Ganesha is the son of Parvati and Siva. He is the remover of all obstacles. He is worshipped first before starting any religious function.
Kadutha Swami, Karuppayi Swami and Karuppayi Amma are the devoted guards of the 18 Holy Steps and the Ayyappa Temple.
SSVT is one of the few temples in the world with sanctified Eighteen Holy Steps leading to the Ayyappa Shrine. Many refer to the Ayyappa Shrine at SSVT as the ‘Sabarimala of the West’.
Sri Nagaraja is the king of all serpents. He entwines the neck of Lord Siva and is also the bed of Lord Vishnu. This five headed serpent is ‘Vaasuki’ the most revered of the serpents of Siva.
Maalikapurathu Amma is a reformed Mahishi. She occupies a very high position – Maalikapuram is the highest place in a building.
The Southwest corner of a temple is very special. It is known as Kannimoola and is the place, which provides protection to the Temple.
Ganesha is variedly worshipped as a bachelor, and as a Lord with two consorts. The two consorts of Lord Ganesha are considered to be siddhi & buddhi, or siddhi and prosperity.
Sri Idumban and Sri Virabahu are the devoted guards of the Sri Karthikeya sannidi. They stand on both sides of the Kathikeya.
The Deva Goshta ‘niche’ Vigrahas in the walls of the Karthikeya Sannidi are – Sri Guhan, Sri Bala Dandayuthapani and Sri Shiki Vahana Moorthy.
Venkateswara, another form of Lord Vishnu, is one among the Trinity, representing the power of Sustenance. He is regarded as “Kaliyuga Varada”.
Vishnu, one among the Trinity of Gods, is in the form of Ananthapadhmaanabha. He is the Protector of the Universe. He comes to earth in different incarnations.
Garuda, a bird deity, with the head and wings of an eagle and sometimes with the rest of his body like that of a man, is called the king of birds.
In Sri Siva Vishnu Temple, Siva goshta vigrahas, which were carved in concrete in the walls of the Siva Shrine were removed.
Siva is one of the three principal deities of the Hindu pantheon; the other two are Brahma and Vishnu. His name means ‘auspicious’.
Sri Chandikeswara is an aspect of Chandi in human form later elevated to the status of divinity, to signify the connection between Siva and Chandi.
Krishna is one of the ten major incarnations of Lord Vishnu. Among the avataars of Lord Vishnu, perhaps the most popular is His descent as Krishna.
Venkateswara, another form of Lord Vishnu, is one among the Trinity, representing the power of Sustenance. He is regarded as “Kaliyuga Varada”.
In order to relieve the suffering of people in this world, the devotees prayed to Bramha to create a powerful Shakti. It is the fifth re-incarnation of Lord Vishnu.
Saraswathi is the Goddess of learning and knowledge. She is described as dwelling in the tongue of her consort, Brahma, the Creator.
Parvathi, the daughter of Himalayas, is the consort of Siva. She represents the Universal power (Sakthi) that is the primary activating energy.
The configuration of nine idols, called Navagraha, represents the nine principal heavenly bodies that influence man’s life.
Lakshmi or Sri Devi is the consort of Vishnu. She is the Goddess of wealth and prosperity. Wealth includes nobler values of life, power of mind etc.
Karthikeya is the son of Siva and Parvathi. Other common names of Karthikeya are Subramanya, Muruga, Kumara, Skandha, Shanmuga and Guha.
Hanuman is the son of Vaayu, the Wind God. He is a great devotee of Lord Rama. He is an outstanding scholar and master of vedas.
Ayyappa is the son of Lord Siva and Mohini. Vishnu took the form of Mohini to destroy a demon named Basmasura. He protects our spiritual wealth and grace.
Vishnu, one among the Trinity of Gods, is in the form of Ananthapadhmaanabha. He comes to earth in different incarnations to protect the world.
Dwara murthi means ‘gate keeper’. The doorway to the Siva shrine is guarded by the Sri Ganesha and Sri Karthikeya, 2 sons of Lord Siva.
Ganesha is the son of Parvati and Siva. He is the remover of all obstacles. He is worshipped first before starting any religious function.
Kadutha Swami, Karuppayi Swami and Karuppayi Amma are the devoted guards of the 18 Holy Steps and the Ayyappa Temple.