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Upcoming Events
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What We Do
Sri Siva Vishnu Temple
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Our Way Of Life
Hinduism is the way of life that deeply influences our thinking, behavior and attitude toward oneself and others. Our Dharma or Godly duties becomes interwoven in our lifestyle. Seeking higher knowledge or enlightenment, living peacefully, expressing gratitude, devotion and exercising moral principles are core practices. The very act of living and core practices becomes a form of worship. -
Yoga & Meditation
Harikatha, literally " Story of Lord", is a form of Hindu traditional discourse in which the storyteller explores a traditional theme, usually the life of a saint or a story from an Indian epic. -
We started a focused experiment with the Seminar Series called “Learning the Tradition of Hinduism” starting from September 14, 2002. This has evolved in 2003 into separate adult and children’s program, in addition to a Frequently Asked Questions of Hinduism on a separate web page, and a Reading Room with a library of books at the temple.
Community Programs
Carnatic & Hindustani music evolved with Sanskrit language scripts in itself and through Vedic traditions. Vocal music is performed by one or more singers. Instrumental music is compositions without lyrics. -
The Natya Shastra is the foundational treatise for classical dances of India. The classical dance forms are: Bharatanatayam, Odissi, Kuchipidi, Kathakali, etc.

The temple makes prasadam available to devotees on weekends and special holidays for a nominal donation. The prasadam counter is open 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM & 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday; 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM on Weekends, and special days. Prasadam counter is closed on Wednesdays.